Mediation May Make Divorce Easier To Navigate

No matter how hard two people in Texas may try to make their marriage work, sometimes it simply cannot happen. However, that does not mean that going through a potentially nasty divorce is unavoidable. Mediation is an alternative to divorce litigation that may help make the divorce process much more palatable for all parties involved.

During mediation, two divorcing spouses meet with a third party to put together innovative agreements that work for both of them, as well as their children. The couple may use the mediation process to explore all their options when it comes to matters such as property division, and they may also address family and individual goals. They may also discuss what they personally believe is fair when it comes to topics such as alimony, for example.

In addition, if the two parties have minor children, they talk about how they would like to handle child custody while focusing on what is ultimately in the children’s best interests. The two spouses make all the final decisions, which are then laid out in final divorce documents. The mediation process typically takes between three and five months to complete.

Mediation generally offers the benefit of being faster to complete and may thus be less expensive compared with traditional divorce litigation. It also tends to be less acrimonious than going to court with a future ex-spouse. An attorney can help a divorcing spouse in Texas pursue a divorce settlement during mediation that works best for his or her personal situation, as well as those of the children.

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