Can Parental Alienation Harm Your Child?

When going through a divorce, you want to do everything in your power to protect your child. Unfortunately, sometimes a parent’s actions or words may actually do them more harm than good.

This often happens in cases of parental alienation. Regardless of a parent’s reason for doing this, the person harmed most in the end may just be your child.

The Abusive Nature Of Alienation

Psychiatric Times discusses how parental alienation may harm your child. Parental alienation happens if a co-parent tries to ruin your relationship with your child. They may have many reasons to do this, like spite or anger. Still, courts often classify parental alienation as a form of psychological abuse due to the tactics often used. Alienating parents often use tools like gaslighting and other forms of manipulation to distance your child from you.

Long Term Ramifications

These tactics do not go without their harm. Many victims of parental alienation often develop trust and relationship issues in their later years. This roots in their childhood experience of abuse. They also tend to develop poor coping mechanisms. For example, many children may turn to alcohol or other addictive substances as adults. Many also claim to struggle with gambling addictions.

Children of parental alienation also suffer from a higher chance of experiencing mental health issues. Depression, anxiety and stress trauma disorders rank among the top that sufferers experience. They may go through emotional disturbances too, becoming withdrawn or easily agitated.

If you notice signs of parental alienation, consider contacting a legal expert. They can help guide you through the situation and act in the way that is best for your child.

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