3 Warning Signs Your Marriage May Head Towards Divorce

Marriage requires work, patience, growth and compromise. Although you did not enter your nuptials planning on future marital problems and separating from your spouse, the reality remains that many marriages end in divorce.

Noticing subtle signs of a failing relationship may help you address your marital issues in therapy or begin thinking about divorce.

1. Your Future Goals Do Not Include Your Partner.

Think about the goals you have for your future. Do you want to change careers, move to a new country or have more children? If you cannot imagine your spouse in your future plans or if it is impossible to reach your life’s desires while partnered with this person, your marriage will likely not survive these differences in long-term goals.

Another pattern to notice is if you are already living life like a single person, such as frequenting singles destinations (e.g., clubs or bars) by yourself. This could show a desire for a different lifestyle than you currently have.

2. You Keep Secrets.

Withholding important information from one another is a form of secret-keeping. You could have big secrets such as getting into serious debt, hanging out with your ex or making excuses to spend time away from your spouse. If you cannot remain truthful with your partner, you likely have underlying issues in the relationship.

3. You Have No Interest In Their Problems.

If you begin expressing contempt toward your partner for sharing their feelings and perspective, you enforce negative behaviors within the relationship. This signals that you do not care about your spouse’s issues. Refusal to listen entirely shows a breakdown in communication.

Any subtle emotional, physical and mental signs that may appear in your relationship might indicate your marriage’s declining health.

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